NEW PRODUCT – TankLOK – Secures Oil Tanks
The price of oil is sky rocketing and the price of a Tanklok is now less than a stolen 5 gallon drum of fuel – act now before it’s too late!
Tanklok can secure your oil tank and reduce the risk of your oil being stolen.
Benefits of Tanklok
- Simple to install (5 Minutes).
- Long Life Stainless Steel and solid brass design.
- The padlock shaft is inside the stainless steel shaft so it is inaccessible to bolt croppers.
- Could save hundreds of £££££ in stolen oil. Many thieves steal 3 or 4 five gallon drums of oil from your tank at a time so you do not realise a theft has occurred. Then they return at a later date.

Tanklok – making oil tanks secure
Two houses side by side one with TankLOK one without. Which house will the thief target? Why would you leave £1,000 worth of goods unlocked?
Phone Adrian Today on 01403 261466 for a price (Supply Only, Or Supply & Fit)